SoVol Erasmus + (contract number: 16/1/KA204/22920) projekt keretében 2018. februárjától 5 partner országban kezdődött meg az önkéntes programok kialakítását szolgáló szakmai segédanyagok tesztelése. A tesztelési időszak során a kiválasztott szociális intézmények dolgozóit felkészítik az önkéntesek fogadására, az intézményre szabott önkéntes stratégiát alakítanak ki illetve az önkénteseket is felkészítik az intézményi önkéntes tevékenységre. 








The pilot phase of the SoVol Erasmus + (contract number: 16/1/KA204/22920) project has started in 5 countries.

The testing of the intellectual outputs has started in Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia in a chosen social institution in February 2018.  The basic requirements necessary for a social institution to participate in the pilot phase were agreed upon by all partners (containing number of stuff, number of clients, attitude of leadership, basic financial requirements, minimum time of availability for the pilot phase, etc.) According to that document the adequate institutions were chosen.


O1: How to set up volunteer programmes in social institutions – the step-by-step guidebook will be implemented by using different methods such as consultations, workshops, mini trainings, mentoring, on-the-job training, job rotation based on the needs of the chosen institution. The step by step guidebook will be peer reviewed by experts. The guidebook also enables social institutions to develop their own volunteer strategy with the help of the partner organisation.

O2: Implementation and testing of training of employees in the chosen social institute will be done through the following activities:

Sensitising workshops be delivered to the employees and clients of the chosen social institution.

Volunteer manager training will be tested during trainings that are open for other social institutions as well with a minimum of 12 participants per country.

Volunteer guide training will be tested during trainings that are open for other social institutions as well with a minimum of 12 participants per country.

O3: The volunteer training will be delivered to the volunteers applying to the pilot social institution but a minimum of 12 participants per country. If the institution doesn't need that many volunteers at that time the training will be open for other social institutions as well.

O4: Handbook on measurement and communication of the impact of volunteering will be piloted through peer reviewers and consultations with staff from the social institutions based on a draft version of the tool in order to make sure that the tools and methods we are proposing are deemed appropriate and feasible within the social care institutions involved in the project and their implementation is realistic. During the delivered training and teaching activities some parts related to the content of this handbook will be tested and based on the feedback the output will be further developed and adapted to fit the reality of social institutions.


The pilot phase lasts from February 2018 to January 2019. It is divided into the following activities in the 5 countries: 

  1. Contacting, choosing the social institution, preparation of the implementation
  2. Implementation and testing of all outcomes
  3. Gathering feedbacks and suggestions based on the results of the pilot phase. These alterations will lead to finalizing the outcomes.

By the end of February 2019 all IOs incorporating all amendments and changes from the pilots and also from the experts will be available in all national languages.

For further information please visit the project webpage!